Running your own business comes with its own pressures – and covering certain business expenses if you’re unable to work doesn't have to be one of them.

What is Business Expenses insurance?
If you're self-employed or operate a small business, we’ll reimburse you for certain business expenses incurred while you’re Totally Disabled, up to your monthly benefit amount for up to 12 months.
If there’s more than one owner of the business, you’ll receive your share of the covered business expenses.
Key features
- Receive a monthly benefit for up to a year for certain business expenses incurred while you’re Totally Disabled.
- Choose a Waiting Period of 14 or 30 days.
- Premiums are automatically waived while you’re receiving benefits.
- Recurring disability benefit continues a previous claim with no new waiting periods if the same disability recurs within a certain period.
- Death benefit of up to $30,000 should you die while you hold this cover.
Product overview
How much insurance can you apply for?
You can apply for Business Expenses insurance up to $60,000 per month.
What is a business expense?
The covered expenses are the reasonable and regular normal operating expenses of the business you own and manage, including:
- rent or mortgage payments
- property levies, rates and taxes
- equipment or vehicle lease costs
- electricity, heating and water costs
- cleaning and laundry costs
- depreciation on office equipment and premises that the business owns
- salaries of employees not generating business income
- costs of accounting services
- fees for memberships of professional associations
- business insurance premiums
- net cost of a locum (a person engaged to work in your business as a direct replacement for you).
Funding options
Business Expenses insurance is available outside super only.
Additional options
You can apply for the following option at an additional cost:
- Business Expenses with Platinum option: if you’re entitled to a Partial Disability benefit, you'll receive a proportion of the monthly benefit if you become Partially Disabled.
Do you need Business Expenses insurance?
You may want to consider Business Expenses insurance if you have a business or are self-employed.
Download the Product Disclosure Statement
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